Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre (KAGRC) is a state corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, State Department of Livestock Development established through Gazette Notice No. L.N. 110 of September, 2011. It has been in operation since 1946 as Central Artificial Insemination Services (CAIS) and its mandate is to produce, preserve and conserve animal genetic material (semen embryo, tissues and live materials) and rear breeding sires for the provision of high-quality disease-free semen to meet national demand and for export. KAGRC works in close collaboration with other breeding organizations, societies and individual farms. KAGRC has four (4) sub-centres in the following counties Ndomba-Kirinyaga, Chuka-Tharaka-Nithi, Sotik-Bomet and Eldoret-Uasin-Gishu.
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