Welcome to KAGRC for information on Best Sires, Agents distribution network and KAGRC approved Inseminators. We endeavor to provide information to our clients in good time to ensure they’re well educated and aware of what breed are doing well for profitable farming both Dairy and Beef. We have also advanced to Goats for semen production and processing to cater for interested and upcoming farmers.

In line with the constitution of Kenya, 2010, KAGRC has been collaborating with counties towards revitalization of the livestock sector as envisioned in the Vision 2030. The collaboration has been directly through signed memoranda of understanding (MoUs) between KAGRC and counties. Indirect collaboration has been through the appointed KAGRC AGENTS.

Rigorous international selection process for sires and dams of our bulls, giving you the best offspring from KAGRC bulls.

Strong healthy calves with faster growth and maturity.

High quality milk production of above 30 litres per day under proper feeding and management.

Higher conception rates achieved with KAGRC semen.

Our bulls are free from infertility gene e.g. Hhi factor.

Offer very competitive prices.

Guaranteed quality of semen from our technical experts in processing and handling of semen.

In operation since 1946.

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